Create the BODY and LIFE you want
These both go hand in hand.
The actions and habits it takes to build the best version of yourself will create momentum into all aspects of your life. For the good!
The best YOU will be BETTER at anything you choose to do.
Self-discipline builds self-respect.
When you cut corners or try to find the "easy path" you never feel fulfilled or great about it, right?
We start creating confidence in ourselves by setting standards within our daily lives and holding to them. Like a promise to yourself. Proving yourself right!
The more "wins" with those little standards and decisions you have each day only compounds into confidence boosts and momentum for yourself.
It all starts with taking a breath, accepting "where you are" in your fitness and life, and begin building the person you need in your life. Becoming the example.
It's usually not mountain moving decisions or actions that I am talking about. It's all the little "right" decisions that add up to big movement. Not leaps, but steps in the right direction.
One day at a time, one decision at a time, we keep moving forward.

Join The Team
2010, I should have died. I was in a life changing accident. I was left with both legs broken below the knees, ankle fracture, and ruptured intestines.
After many surgeries and time in the hospital, I was sent to live in a rehabilitation center. While living there for 2 months, I was taught how to walk again and how to perform basic things.
I would roll myself down to the rehab center gym in my wheelchair every morning. Going through the exercises PT's had written out for me each day.
It was not easy, but had to be done.
Day after day, I would slowly see results in my strength and endurance. Feeling more and more confident that I did have it in me to comeback. Proving to myself daily that I could do the work to change and become even better.
The first job I had gotten after leaving the rehab center was at the local gym in town. From there on, I have truly found a path that has helped cultivate confidence, self-respect, and mental toughness to crush this bonus round on life.
Over a decade of coaching and a few surgeries later, I have helped hundreds of people realize their potential and start building the best versions of themselves.
Creating a new path for myself I now have built my days to BUILD ME. Truly living my bonus round on life. Growing into new journeys of personal development, real estate investing, and becoming the person I always needed.
Join the program and crush it with me.